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Friendship , Ways to End a Friendship

Friendship is a gift, a mutually beneficial relationship that can give satisfaction to the two people involved. However, Ways to End a Friendship sometimes one or two people change, or a person makes a decision that the other person can not stand and deeply in conflict Friendship with their beliefs. At times like these, or when a friendship becomes co-dependent, Ways to End a Friendship abusive, controlling or unwanted is not beneficial, it should end the friendship of a non-confrontational type.

Face to face
Friends who have known for a long time deserve a face to face meeting where you will find an explanation of why you think you can not be friends. Knowing in advance what you feel you need to end the friendship and communicate Ways to End a Friendship  it to his friend so sincere, but simple. Consider meeting in a cafe or in a park, where you will have relative privacy and a place in which to spend time together often. Allow friends to respond and be ready to receive a lot of angry reaction from his friend, especially if you thinkFriendship
 your decision will be a surprise friend. Be firm in your decision and leave if necessary.

 If there is something your friend you have in your possession, bring it to the meeting and give your friend so you have no reason to meet again. Be prepared to lose some of their mutual friends, as some may be on the side of his friend or uncomfortable to remain your friend after ending the relationship.

Create a list of reasons why you want to end a friendship. Examine the reasons you listed to make sure they are worthy of taking the time and energy you put into the friendship of the length of time you have known the person. Take the listm 
Create a list of reasons why you want to end a friendship. Examine the reasons you listed to make sure they are worthy of taking the time and energy you put into the friendship of the length of time you have known the person. Take the list with you the next time you see a friend or use it to send a letter, email or make a phone call to a friend to present a clear and practical, even without emotion, why do you think that the relationship worth following. with you the next time you see a friend or use it to send a letter, email or make a phone call to a friend to present a clear and practical, even without emotion, why do you think that the relationship worth following.
Ignore Friend
An alternative to direct confrontation is to simply Friendship  start ignoring the person. Do not accept invitations to go to parties, meals or doing things with friends. Plan things with other people and develop new friends. Choose to do things with others to put distance between you and the friend. No return calls or emails and avoid contact of any kind with the person. Understand that friends may be offended and may require because of their behavior in a way that can not be avoided, like meeting face to face. Be prepared to explain why you want to be friends in a clear and concise manner.

Drift slowly Ways to End a Friendship
A final alternative is somewhere between friend and ignore direct confrontation. Contact the person, but keep your conversations brief. Avoid sharing anything beyond jokes with the person and cut him off from their social networking sites. Meeting with the person in groups when you can not avoid seeing and not to set the time to do 
Create a list of reasons why you want to end a friendship. Examine the reasons you listed to make sure they are worthy of taking the time and energy you put into the friendship of the length of time you have known the person.Ways to End a Friendship  Take the list with you the next time you see a friend or use it to send a letter, email or make a phone call to a friend to present a clear and practical, even without emotion, why do you think that the relationship worth following. some one-on-one with the person. Over time, the person has to receive the message that you two were separated and are no more than mere knowledge. This approach avoids the unpleasant confrontation and allows you to always have a comfortable relationship with someone you work with or know you can not help regularly in the future.

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